Tribute to Mom

A Tribute to Mom
For those of you who knew her she was always a special lady.
Helena Heppner (nee Dyck) was born on February 19,1918 at Aberdeen ,Sask. to Abram & Justina Dyck. she was the middle child of a family of 17 children. Her family was very poor, doing without the conveniences we take for granted today.
At the age of 14 mom had to quit school because she had no shoes to walk to school in wintertime. Shortly after she left home to start work as a housemaid. When she and Dad got married they were both working at the Moffats.
Though Mom did not have much opportunity to receive a formal education she learned many lessons from life's experiences. Somehow she could make do with what was on hand and make us all laugh. She passed on many important lessons of life.
Mom was a great worker and managed to get us involved in some way. Laundry day was a big day. you had to carry water, heat it on the stove, and then start the job. Clothes were hung to dry outside (inside in winter) and then most of them needed ironing. After this, the water had to be carried outside. This is one example of many of the things that took up so much time years ago.
I'll always remember her big garden and how hard she worked to fill the pantry for winter. She taught us to have pride in our work.
Mom was always there for us when we came home from school, she made many sacrifices so we could do well. When extra time was needed for homework or studies, she saw to it that my chores got done. She put extra effort into picnics. What scruptious meals she prepared, especially for school picnics..
Her sense of humour saw us through tough situations. even now she continues to be a source of encouragement to others by her sense of humour and positive outlook on life.
My mother is best described as a "woman of prayer". It was her prayers that, first brought my Dad to his knees before they were married. It was her prayers that did much to create a loving atmosphere at home. We knew that we had a praying Mom supporting us. When brother Jack told her he was going to the mission field, she wasn't surprised; she said she had given him to the Lord long ago.
Mom's example in being hospitable has helped me greatly in extending hospitality. So many times Sunday dinners or evening meals were shared with others. Those without loved ones near at hand often became part of our family. These were times of rich blessing for us.
Upon her retirement, I have been blessed to see her continue to reach out to those around her and be able to lead some of them to the Lord. Her involvement in Friendship Bible Coffees in the neighblourhood was a real blessing.
More by the way she lived her life than anything else, she taught us so much. I am thankful for a heritage like that.