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Affirmation - Blessings

The valley in which Life Springs Retreat Centre was set used to be a field that George was trying to get alfalfa to grow. The land was sandy and if we didn't get enough rain at just the right time the seed wouldn't grow. The year we decided to give these 80 acres to the Lord, the alfalfa was waste deep and so lush. To us this was a big confirmation that we had made the right decision and the Lord was sending blessings.

To build the necessary buildings we would need a lot of materials, money and volunteer help. Shortly after we started my parents who lived in MacGregor had a visitor when I dropped in one day. When he was told what we were doing, he asked what we would need. I told him we needed everything and he said then I should just ask. I wasn't sure what he meant but I asked him for whatever material he could provide. So, he told us to come to Grunthal with 3 big grain trucks to get materials he was going to give us. There were all kinds of building materials including lumber, windows, doors and so much more. Again we saw how the Lord was providing.

How blessed we were. There were other donations as well , including a cabin, canteen and a permanent tent.

This was a great time of stretching our faith and seeing the Lord at work. I remember walking to the camp one day feeling so blessed, I said to the Lord," If you send me one more blessing, I think I'll burst."

Groups started coming and we had a couple of family weekends each year. The tubing hill was moved to the centre and a tow rope was installed and each year the number using it grew. It was a great place to connect with people and share our faith.

We operated the centre for about 10 years. With so much growth and a board that was getting tired we sought the Lord and he directed us to give the centre and 80 acres to Carberry Bible Camp as they were looking for a new site.

What a blessing ( inspite of obstacles al long the way) it has been to see the development of the camp and the ministry they have now.

"Now unto Him who I;s able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or imagine. Eph 3:20. Truly this verse was what we saw again and again. what a great God we have.


1 204 872 2574

8-100Ross St MacGregor

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