Rosefarm church

A very important stepping stone was our church. The Rosefarm church grew out of a revival that Mom and Dad were a part of. the enthusiasm and zeal that I grew up with challenged me to grow in my faith. The down to earth preaching and the burden for the lost poured out of Rev. Cornie Harder's messages. He wasn't a paid pastor and often prepared his messages on the tractor. we had a small building but made do with what we had. As the pictures show we had a huge Sunday School with as many as 120 students. Because of space we had SS during the worship service for many years.

I will always remember and appreciate the time Norman Groening poured into his SS class and Ed Penner into his choir directing. We leant many new songs and brought Easter programs in as many as 7 churches in one season. Their ministry helped shape my faith. Then there was the missionary program for the church that included even the children. Each one who gave (even nickels and dimes) received a missions letter from the committee with summaries of missionary reports. Many times we had missionary reports in special evenings.
As youth we were encouraged to speak up and give testimony of our faith and then in summer we often had street meetings in various communities. One summer our conference took a team of u to Northern Sask. to teach DVBS for two weeks. Christmas saw us practicing and presenting dramas that often were up to an hour in length. What wonderful times we had and usually the church was full of people.
Then we had week long services(every evening) with extra teaching and the success was shown by how full the church was each evening and the decisions made by those attending.
Yes I was blessed beyond measure. The only thing that I found hard at times was that I went to a school in another district while most of the kids went to the Rosefarm school.
But inspite of this I had wonderful friends that were a part of my growing up. I thank the Lord for this heritage and how it shaped my life into what I am today.