Our family

Taken in 1960 - Irma,Linda,Evelyn,Jim,Jack
The next stepping stone we look at is our family. the place you hold in the family(whether oldest,middle, or youngest)
gives you a unique prospective on life and has a huge bearing on who become.
Our family's makeup was ; the oldest, then two brothers, two sisters and 2 more brothers, ranging in age over a 15 year period.
I know my parents had many challenges raising us but they did the best they did that they knew how and I give them credit for what they accomplished. From satisfying teenagers to cuddling toddlers and know just the right thing to say to each was huge undertaking. So, I want to applaud their work.
When my parents started out I'm sure they had visions of how parenting would work out. They made mistakes as they went along, stricter with the older ones and mellowing as the youngest one came along. That is just how things work and the best is to forgive mistakes and be thankful for the godly heritage we have.
From my prospective- Mom was so busy with six other kids, that it was a help if I just read a book in my room. so, I escaped to a land of fantasy and visited many places as I red up to 200 books a year.
Being the oldest, I had to often help with chores, housework and babysit the younger ones. I didn't handle the latter very well, but I tried to have everything done by the time mom and dad came home.
There are always firsts in a family; first to go to school, first to go to youth and choir, etc. I often wished for a older brother, but managed to blaze the way for the others.
We had many good times and always remember how my sisters and mom could tell funny stories and have us all laughing so hard.
As kids we learnt by working together and playing together and in all this we learnt to relate to each other and take responsibility.
I am thankful; for my family and my place in it. I love each one and love to see how God is at work in each of our lives. Our mother's prayers are still at work and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for all of us.
My place in this family is part of God's plan for my life and I know that He has a plan for each of our lives. Praise God for each one and my place in the family. This has played a part in who I am today.