A Passion for Life

As a follower of Jesus my greatest passion in life is to see others find the peace and joy that a personal relationship with Jesus has given me. Not only does he give joy and peace but a future to look forward to in heaven. There are many verses in the Bible that tell us to reach out to others who don't know about this. we are to show them the love of Christ and then tell them the good news of what they do can have in Christ.
We had such great teaching in Sunday school and church which was reinforced by numerous missionaries coming to church. the passion and zeal they had as they told about their work ignited a spark in my heart.
Our youth group and choir helped fuel this as we did outreach-bringing choir programs, having street meetings and going to Saskatchewan to tech DVBS. Yes that desire to see others find Christ took a deep root in my heart.
At one point I felt I should become a missionary. Circumstances just didn't work out and I learnt that there is much to do all around us, no matter where I am, but it is important to be obedient to the Lord's calling. Deep down it was always y desire to go to the mission field. Only after we retired were we able to go to the Philippines for a year. The Lord knows our desires and I was so blessed to be able to serve in this way.
After I left home, no matter where I lived, I always seemed to find an avenue of ministry to help others. The Lord has blessed these efforts and my life has been enriched.
Whether it was working with ISCF or teaching and organizing CEF or being SS superintendent, these always challenged me and blessed be personally. It is in blessing others that we are blessed. The bonus was the results I could see but I know the Lord was at work and much of the results I won`t ever see.
I was challenged with, ``Listen to the Holy Spirit, be obedient and leave the results with the Lord.``
Once again I can say thank you to all who had a part in preparing me for life. Leaving home after grade 12 was the beginning of a new chapter in life. God has been good and taught me much in each endeavor that I found myself in.