
My class at Amsterdam school

My car- an English Ford - a Consul ( forgot the year)
The next stepping stone involved getting a job and a car. My first school was a country school at Amsterdam, near Rosenfeld, MB. Since this was in the country I needed a car.
My Dad helped me find one and loaned me the money to get it. I really enjoyed having my own wheels.
I lived with the Driedger family about a mile from school. They were so good to me . They accepted me as part of the family and really spoiled me in doing so much for me. How I thanked the Lord for them.
I had a class of 24 pupils, grades 1-8 and 9 correspondence. It was a really good class to work with. At the time there weren't as many regulations and paper work for the teachers and I still found time to play with the students and build relationships.
At recess the older students taught how to play touch rugby and we had a blast. When we played against another school
where a girlfriend of my was teaching we each played quarterback for our teams. I also remember playing hide and go seek with the kids .
Each Friday in wintertime the ladies of the community came to teach sewing to the girls and because no one volunteered for teaching woodwork to the boys, I ended up doing it. Then in spring we had an auction of the items made and the money was donated to the Red Cross.
In our district there were some older girls living at home and I got to know them. The Lord impressed on my heart that I needed to connect with them more and share my faith with them. I thought, Lord ,there is no way I can do that, Then it
felt as if Jesus stepped back and said, ok have it your was, but then his presence wasn't with me. I spent a few days in misery and then told the Lord that I couldn't live without HIs presence and that I would obey. His presence in my life came back and I learnt an important lesson about my relationship with the Lord. He is so ready to bless but also asks our commitment to Him.
During this year I went home most While Mom and Dad came to the concert, my brothers picked up a couch and chair we as a family had bought for them and put it in the living room at home. what fun it was to surprise them.
As the year drew to a close my girlfriend in Winnipeg wanted me to come and live with her and apply for a school there. So, I resigned and moved to Winnipeg.
During these first years of teaching I spent three summers in summer school and took one evening class to finish my first year of university.
I am thankful for all the lessons the Lord taught me and all the friends I made during my year in Amsterdam. Thank you Lord.