Life in Grunthal

The school I taught in in Grunthal,MB

The house I lived in while in Grunthal.
Continuing with the next stepping stone which was Grunthal.
After summer school that year I moved to Grunthal. I had room and board with Mrs Peters and Sara. Another teacher, Betty Schroeder lived there as well. It was such a good place to live and they took such good care of us. Sara was a good cook and I remember on Fridays we'd always have fresh baking for supper before I headed home for the weekend.
The first year I taught a grade two class of 22 children. My classroom was in an older school with only grades 1 & 2 in this building. I enjoyed working with this class of children. The second year I had 32 grade 2 & 3's. I enjoyed the work but the workload was heavy and by the end of that year I was really tired.
I coached the grade 3's in soccer. They were an eager bunch and really worked hard and just about won against the older grade 4's. The community was very accepting and it was good to be there.
The biggest thrill for me was being staff advisor for the high school Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship. The goal of ISCF is to encourage the Christian students to share their faith with fellow students. I had quite a few students who were eager to get involved. Besides meeting once a week at noon hour we had a prayer during another noon hour at a home across the street from school with 6-10 or more students coming.
I encouraged each one to pray for one friend specially and look for opportunities to share their faith. going into the second year I asked the Lord to show these kids that prayer works. One of the boys was praying for his friend. As a group we went to a special meeting in Winnipeg and this friend came along. We were praying for him and when the alter call was given he went forward with this boy who had been praying for him. There was much rejoicing. Many years later I met him at a meeting in Winnipeg and he was now a pastor
(The Lord gives us small glimpses of the fruit of our labors).
I would go to events in the different churches to get to know the kids better and made many friends.
It was during the winter when I was suppose to go to Winnipeg one Saturday for a meeting of ISCF staff, I woke up to a snow storm. It didn't look good, so I prayed and asked the Lord to let the sun shine by the time I was to leave if he wanted me to go. I got ready and by the time I was to leave the sun was shining, so I went to Winnipeg. Just as I drove into the edge of the city the wind came up again but I was able to go to the meeting and didn't have to go back until the next day. That surely was a God thing for me.
Besides the regular things with ISCF in school there were times like fundraising, camp at Rock Lake and an outing to Moose Lake that helped bring the students together. A remark by one of them was that he didn't know if his faith would have been in tact with out ISCF.
I had taken English at U of M in an evening class and now was able to get my permanent teaching certificate. Bible School had been in the back of my mind for a long time and so now
I resigned and prepared to attend Winnipeg Bible College the next year