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Our Move to MacGregor

Our new home at MacGregor

A big stepping stone was the move to MacGregor.

I spent my growing up years at Kane school and in the Rosefarm church, for which I will be forever grateful.

Dad had always rented land and had side jobs to make ends meet and save money to buy his own land. Then in 1964 the land was being sold and Dad and Mom looked for a farm elsewhere. The Lord led them to a farm with a lot of potential north of MacGregor,MB.

And so it was that they planned to move in July of that year. Dad and the boys ran both farms(the one at Kane and the new one) that season.

I had gone to summer school a few summers already and so

could manage to stay at home and help with the move. This would help me make the new place feel like home as well.

Right after school was out we prepared to move, cleaning the granaries at Kane and packing. Moving day came and we headed to our new home with the help of some neighbors.

The house at the new farm was a lot bigger with 5 bedrooms

upstairs and lots of room on the main floor. It was lots of fun

getting settled and exploring our new home. God was so good.

The place hadn't been looked after very well for a while and so we set to work. We had lots of hands with all of us at home except Jim who was married and living in Thompson at the time.

The garden had to be worked and readied,there was junk all over the pasture that had to be picked up and the buildings needed repairs. The house needed paint, so Dad built a scaffold that could be moved and we set to work painting the house first with linseed oil and then paint. The huge hip roof barn needed shingles badly and so that was tackled next.

All this besides the regular housework and all that went with it. We all enjoyed what we were doing and had a great summer. An added blessing was the telephone we had for the first time and Dad was even able to buy a new freezer and a new car.

We checked out the churches in the area on Sundays and got to know the people here. We settled in the MacGregor EMC except for Jack who chose to go to Austin EMMC. I was so glad to be here and be a part of making this our new home

before I went back to teaching in fall.

Even though this was so much fun and a hi-light for me, by the middle of August I found myself totally played out and I had to stop doing so much and resting so I'd be able to teach. I was OK by the time I had to start but still need more rest until the middle of October.

It was a memorable summer for me with many blessings. Getting to know the family better and making new this

place feel like home. After leaving it was a place a looked forward to coming home to.

We really counted our blessings and rejoiced in how the Lord provided so abundantly.



1 204 872 2574

8-100Ross St MacGregor

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