A Year of Change

George in front of the dorm I stayed.
The fall after resigning from the Grunthal School saw me attending Winnipeg Bible College (now known as Providence). This had been a dream of mine for a number of years and I looked forward to a good year.
That fall I found myself at home in MacGregor for most weekends. One Satuday in October I was in town and George & his friend, John Cott asked me to go bowling with them. I agreed and so started a courtship that ended in our marriage the next July.
The year of studying was great but also a year of spiritual struggles. I found out that spiritual attacks by Satan don't stop just because I was in Bible school. What did a the Lord want me to do. I was never going to marry a farmer and where was I headed. The Lord has such a sense of humor and knows exactly what is best for us. Then in April I got an engagement ring and was planning a wedding.
With Bible school finishing in April and our wedding not happening until July I wondered what I would do.
Aunt Muriel (Uncle Pete had passed away in March) asked me to go with her to this conference they had been planning to go to before Uncle Pete's passing. It was at the Oral Roberts University in Tulsa. I agreed and so we left right after graduation at Bible school. It was a great weekend. The thing that stands out for me was the faith building messages I heard. Every room I walked into had a sign up somewhere that said,"Expect a Miracle". I taught me to have an expectant faith and believe when I pray.
After that I volunteered with CSSM for a couple of months, handing out brochures for their camps in Winnipeg and in the rural areas. Margaret Giesbrecht came with me for much of the time. I enjoyed the work and knew that the Lord could use this to bring kids to camp to hear about Jesus.
Then on July 23rd we got married in the MacGregor EMC, went on a honeymoon and then to his home on the farm south of MacGregor.
The Lord often leads in ways we had never thought possible but looking back we can say He knew what was best for me. I had much to learn but I knew that the Lord was going with us.