Our Farm

Some pictures of our farm
Growing up at Kane where the landscape is so flat and where we had hardly any trees around, I always dreamt of having a house in the bush on a hilltop. Woudn't it be wonderful to go for walks in the woods and enjoy nature. The first thing one of my girlfriends asked me after our engagement was, where is his house. (And you know I was never going to marry a farmer).
When we were first married we lived in this farmhouse with his mother where we had no running water in the house--had to carry it from a well down the hill and across the yard. We had an outhouse and did without many of the conveniences we have now. But then I had grown up without them as well and could adjust.
George had a herd of about 25-30 cows. The outbuildings were in much need of repair but with so much shelter in the bush the cattle did fine. He never had to worry about water for the animals as the cows drank out of a spring feed creek.
For the first number of years George farmed with his brothers but each one had their own cattle. Later they also tried beekeeping together. I didn't have to do a lot of work with the farm then. We had one milk cow that was tethered so we had our own milk.
I always had a good sized garden and did a lot of freezing vegetables, etc. and canning. This provided much of our groceries for the winter. Also, George usually got a deer in fall which was part of our meat supply.
Yes, life on the farm was busy but then that is what I had grown up with and I got into it right away. There have been many challenges over the years but the Lord has seen us through, has always provided for us and taught us many life lessons. It was a perfect place to raise a family and I trust they have many good memories of growing up there. I praise the Lord that he knew what was best for me even when I had other plans growing up.