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Scenic Beauty

Scenes around the farm

The scenic beauty of our farm and the surrounding area has always had a profound effect on my spiritual life. Being ten miles from town, we didn't readily run to town everyday in the early days of farming. To be able to go for a walk was such an inspiration to my soul many times.

It is very easy to get so busy with mundane things that seem so important at the time. When things don't go as planned, we are disappointed and upset. Nature calls for us to lay things down and spend time with the Lord.

The first number of years it was easier to do but as the family grew and more demands were placed on my life. I let things get in the way and my spiritual life wasn't always where it should have been.

Then one day is the midst of a busy day the Lord started tapping on my shoulder and wanted me to get off by myself and spend time with him. At first I thought I can`t do this now, but as the Lord was persistent I gave in and crabbed my Bible and went up to the top of the hill, found an old log to sit one and spent time with the Lord. At first 15 minutes seemed a long time but as I did this more times a half hour wasn't always even enough At the end of the day that time wasn't missed and I had a better day. I need to remember he is always waiting for me.

Often times in evenings or Sunday afternoon I went for longer walks. What a joy to see all of God's handiwork and the liveihood we had in having such a place for our cattle.

There were wild flowers and wild grapes,other fruit and the trees and bushes especially in summer and fall.

I remember one July 1st we walked to the edge of the hills and were able to see the fireworks in Portage. On our way home in the dark the children would catch fireflies and put them in a jar to give us light. Wintertime on good days the walk was limited to the road. I tried cross country skiis but wasn't very successful.

With the coming of the ski-doos George and the kids had great fun(I joined in on occasion) and he used it as well for chores in farming. Then the hill south of the yard became the tobogganing hill for the community and we spent many hours supervising it in winter.

Looking back I can say farming was a very busy life style but we could always take time for the leisure activities we enjoyed. We were blessed beyond measure even though we had lots of struggles and harder times the Lord saw us through. We can say "What a place to call home". God has been good and we praise Him.


1 204 872 2574

8-100Ross St MacGregor

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