Auntie Irma

One special person that brought so much fun and joy to our family as they were growing up was Auntie Irma.
When we first got married she was still a teenager and took great delight in her nieces and nephews. When she was around visits to Grandma's or a visit to our place always brought excitement and fun to the smallest events.
An example of this was the time she came to spend a few days with us. She and the kids built the Sugar Shack (a tree

house). Then she brought out her guitar and they sang and slept in this wonderful house.
As they got older and Auntie Irma move away she always brought gifts when she came home. There were always gifts at birthdays and under the tree at Grandma's.
When she got married all the nieces had matching dresses

and had their picture taken with her.
Even now when she comes to Canada for a visit the nieces and nephews make and effort to connect with her and she makes every effort to do so.
I appreciate her efforts at connecting with family and want to recognize this as one of the big blessings our family has enjoyed through the years. May God bless her for this.